
Returns the number of stories in the publication and detailed information about each story.

Query results

This query is a subclass of PListQuery, and returns a list of stories. For each story, it returns the following information:

long nStoryID;

PageMaker identifier for story
const char * fFilename;
Filename (including path) if story is linked to external file
An empty string for unlinked story
long nNumChars;
Number of characters in story, including inline graphics and non-printing characters (e.g., tabs, returns, and index markers)
These fields are followed by a list of text blocks. For each text block:
short nPageNumber;
Page on which story is placed (from 1 to 999)
-3 for left master page
-4 for right master page
-5 for pasteboard
long xLeftTop;
x coordinate of left-top handle of text block in twips
long yLeftTop;
y coordinate of left-top handle of text block in twips
long xRightBottom;
x coordinate of right-bottom handle of text block in twips
long yRightBottom;
y coordinate of right-bottom handle of text block in twips
short nNumChars;
Number of PageMaker characters in text block
Coordinates for transformed text blocks. If the selected text block was skewed, rotated, or reflected, the coordinate pairs (xLeftTop, yLeftTop) and (xRightBottom, yRightBottom) correspond to the original left-top and right-bottom handles, but indicate their new locations.

Accessing query results. Because this query returns a list within a list, you must access the information in the text block list using the PTextBlock helper class, which is a member field of this class.

Example. *** Need example.

See also

The PGetLinkInfo, PGetLinks, PGetStoryID, PGetStoryList, and PGetStoryText queries

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